Erectile Dysfunction and Diabetes

Impotence and Diabetes

General Information
Erectile Dysfunction and Diabetes
What to do if Erectile Dysfunction Develops
Treatment Options
Cochrane Review of Erectile Dysfunction Drugs For Men With Diabetes
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Erectile Dysfunction and Diabetes

In the majority of cases of erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes the cause is physical rather than psychological and the most common cause is neuropathy – damage to the nerves that go to and from the penis. Physical causes themselves can also cause psychological difficulties, so general counselling and discussion may be helpful.

Research has shown that there is not only a problem about being open about these issues but there is also a lot of misunderstanding. It showed:

  • 9% defined erectile dysfunction incorrectly
  • 30% were unaware that it is a complication of diabetes
  • 42% thought it was inevitable with age,

The study concluded that not sufficient emphasis is placed on impotence by health care professionals and they do not see it as important as other complications of diabetes. Healthcare professionals should raise this issue at diabetes annual check ups in order to provide people with the opportunity to raise what for them may be an embarrassing topic but also because erectile dysfunction can be a sign of diabetes control problems or other underlying health conditions. It can lead to a significant reduction in quality of life and relationship difficulties.
Ref 1 Pract Diab 1997, Vol 4, No 4 The diabeteic males perception of erectile dysfunction, Cummings et al