Diet and Diabetes
The InDependent Diabetes Trust (IDDT) is pleased to announce the launch of their new booklet ‘Diet and Diabetes‘.
This new booklet is designed to help you through some of the confusing and complicated aspects of diet and the reasons why, what, and how much we eat are so important for people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. It provides you with information about various diets, food labelling, weight loss, the importance of food groups and much more.
All IDDT booklets and leaflets will remain free of charge. We are delighted that healthcare professionals and others are ordering multiple copies of our booklets and leaflets to give to people with diabetes and grateful for the help and support being given to people with diabetes in this way.
Download an electronic (PDF) copy here –
Diet and Diabetes.
Or order the printed version via the –
IDDT Leaflets order form