NHS to roll out trials of the artificial pancreas for people with Type 1 diabetes
Example of an artificial pancreas system – the CamAPS FX
On June 15th 2021, NHS Chief Executive Sir Simon Stevens announced a trial to support the wider roll-out of artificial pancreas technology across England for people with Type 1 diabetes. Artificial pancreas systems, also known as closed-loop technology, enable an insulin pump and a continuous glucose monitor to ‘talk’ to each other so that the correct dose of insulin is delivered automatically.
The trial will involve up to 1,000 people with Type 1 diabetes in around 25 specialist centres across England. The participants’ data and experiences with the technology will feed directly into the assessment of closed-loop systems by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
Sir Simon Stevens said: “Living with diabetes is a daily challenge for millions of people across England, and this closed-loop technology has the potential to make a remarkable difference to their lives. In a year that marks a century since insulin was discovered – which revolutionised the world of diabetes – this innovation is a prime example of the NHS’s continued progress in modern medicine and technology.”
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