Thank you for your donation!

Thank you for donating to IDDT

Registered with the Fundraising Regulator Thank you for your donation – we really appreciate it! The money you donated will help us to continue to offer support and information to people with diabetes, their families and healthcare professionals through a wide range of booklets about the various aspects of living with diabetes. The information is unbiased and independent of our funding sources because we are one of the very few medical charities with a policy of not accepting pharmaceutical industry funding. We are funded entirely by voluntary donations and these donations help us to continue with our work.

We are very grateful to you for donating to IDDT.


Thinking about making or updating your will? Why not consider leaving us a gift to help us continue our work? You can order our free Reasons for making your Will leaflet or enquire about our Free Will Writing Service here.

A donation in memory of a loved one helps people affected by diabetes. Order our free A gift in memory leaflet.