Neuropathy and Antidepressants
Diabetic Neuropathy
What is Diabetic Neuropathy?
Neuropathy Affecting The Feet
Advice on Cutting Your Toenails
Symptoms of Neuropathy Affecting Your Feet and Hands
Heel Fissures
Charcot Foot
Wrong Sized Shoes
Neuropathy and Antidepressants
Diabetic Holiday Foot Syndrome
Patient and Family Carer Experience
Diabetes and Hearing Loss May be Due to Neuropathy
Neuropathy and Antidepressants
IDDT has had quite a lot of queries from people who have neuropathy [damage to nerves] and are being treated with antidepressants and they find this difficult to understand. The reason for prescribing antidepressants for neuropathy is based on the suggestion that these drugs may inhibit the pain pathways in the central nervous system.
Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin April 2007
When a simple painkiller, such as paracetamol, is ineffective in treating painful neuropathy, the next treatment is with what is known as a tricyclic antidepressant, such as amitryptyline. Other options are available including duloxetine [sold as Cymbalta and Yentreve] which has been specifically approved for peripheral neuropathic pain. It is recommended that its use is assessed 2 months after starting treatment and then 3 monthly. The trials carried out with duloxetine showed that there was a significant reduction in pain when compared to a placebo [dummy pill].