Stress and Diabetes
Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Depression in Parents
GE insulin, Hypoglycaemia and Depression
Useful Research
The most frequently occurring mental health problems incorporate depression and anxiety. They cause impaired functioning and make up about 1 in 5 primary care consultations. [McManus et al, 2009. Results of a household survey]
Many people do not seek treatment and when they do, their conditions are often not identified. According to NICE [2009], 90% of depressive and anxiety disorders that are identified are treated in primary care, by the GP.
The findings from the latest national psychiatric survey for England shows the following prevalence of common disorders at a given point in time:
- 1.1% have panic disorder [panic attacks]
- 1.4% have phobias
- 2.3% have depression
- 4.4% have generalised anxiety disorder
It is well recognised that people with long-term conditions such as diabetes, are more likely to suffer from depression. Just living with diabetes means that they are also more likely to be in stressful situations or to suffer with anxiety. This section provides information about stress, anxiety and depression.
Exercise – it is well worth remembering that taking physical activity helps to relieve depression, stress and anxiety, even if you don’t feel like it!