Update from Ukraine, July 2024

Thanks to the help of our members, healthcare professionals and many people who have become aware of the support we give to people with diabetes in Ukraine, we are still receiving lots of diabetes items. This includes insulin, Type 2 medications, blood glucose meters and strips, lancets, needles and pump equipment.

So since the last Newsletter, we have sent two consignments of diabetes items to Ukraine.

Ukraine update: July 2024

These consignments have also included Easter eggs and thanks to the support of people in knitting circles hats, scarves and teddy bears to help children in need.

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who is helping to support people with diabetes in Ukraine. The situation in Ukraine may fall from the headlines but the needs of people with diabetes continue and our support is essential.

IDDT will continue to support people with diabetes in Ukraine, so if you have unwanted, in-date diabetes items, please send them to IDDT at the following address: 210 Abington Avenue, Northampton NN1 4PR.

Getting the consignments to Ukraine is not easy so we are very grateful to the drivers and our contacts in Ukraine. We also have to thank IDDT staff for collecting and sorting all the items you send and also for getting the parcels to the pick-up point at short notice!

Please help if you can!

Click here to find out how to donate

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